RETIREMENT SERVICE & REPAIR BUSINESS AUCTION Very Nice 2010 Intl. # 4400 Rollback Tow Truck, 2005 Chev. Silverado 3500 Dually Tow Truck, 2016 Chev. City Express Service Van, 6'x18' Tiltbed Trailer, Chevy Custom Deluxe Welding/Service Truck, Ben Pearson "Muffler Shop" Bender, Coats 5060A Tire Machine, Coats 1001 Wheel Balancer, Niagra No. 142C Met. Sheer, OTC 50T Hyd. Shop Press, Lin- coln Welders & Plasma Cutter, Champion & Rockford Drill Presses, Crescent & Nitronex Comm. Bandsaws, 8' Met. Brake, Snap-On Toolbox, Econoline Blasting Cabinet, Snap- On YA428A Sandblaster, Zendex Go Jacks, R&D Steam Clean, Powermate, & Job Pro Pressure Washers, Vermette Pipe Threading Machine, Stihl & Husqvarna Items, Snap-On Batt. Chargers, 4 Anvils, Welding Tables, Honda Generators, Truck Related Items, Shop Items & Tools, Consigned Items Including a 2022 Big Tex 8'x25' GN Trailer, JD 445 Lawn Tractor w/ JD Loader, Snowblower & Accessories, IH Cub Cadet Garden Tractor w/ John- son Workhorse Loader & Much More! We will offer the following items at Public Auction located at 214 Front St., Brookings, SD. From the Pheasant Restaurant & Lounge - 3/4 Mile N. on Main Ave S., then 1/2 Block W. on Front St. From 6th St., 3 Blocks South on 3rd Ave at the intersection of 3rd Ave & 3rd St. TUESDAY NOVEMBER 12, 2024 Sale Time: 10 AM Sale to begin with tools, misc. shop items, Tires & Rims, Truck, Vehicle & Towing Related Items with Online Bidding on Major Items to Begin at Approx. 1:00 PM AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: We will offer the following Equipment & Personal Property at Public Auction on behalf of Dakota Service & Repair as Al & Carol Gregg have made the decision to retire after 40+ years from the towing & automotive repair business. This auction will be the 2nd Portion of Dakota Service & Repair's Inventory sold & will consist of a 2 Two Trucks, A Chevy City Express Service Van, a 1975 Chevy Truck, Commercial Shop Equipment, Welders & Met. Working Items, Tools & other personal property. Major items will begin selling Live-On- line at approximately 1:00 PM with Online Bidding Provided through Proxibid. DAKOTA SERVICE & REPAIR - AL & CAROL GREGG, OWNERS - PH. 605-692-7545 TODD PIERRET, Owner - Ph. 605-360-2590 AUCTION SOLD & CLERKED BY: SUTTON AUCTIONEERS & LAND BROKERS, LLC CHUCK SUTTON - Auctioneer & Land Broker - Sioux Falls, SD-ph. 605-336-6315 & Flandreau, SD-ph. 605-997-3777 JARED SUTTON, CAI - Auctioneer & Broker Associate - Flandreau, SD-ph. 605-864-8527 BOB JULSON - Auctioneer & RE Broker Associate - Garretson, SD - 605-351-2654 DEAN STOLTENBERG - Auctioneer & RE Broker Associate - Jasper, MN - ph. 507-348-7352 RETIREMENT SERVICE & REPAIR BUSINESS AUCTION Very Nice 2010 Intl . # 4400 Rollback Tow Truck , 2005 Chev . Silverado 3500 Dually Tow Truck , 2016 Chev . City Express Service Van , 6'x18 ' Tiltbed Trailer , Chevy Custom Deluxe Welding / Service Truck , Ben Pearson " Muffler Shop " Bender , Coats 5060A Tire Machine , Coats 1001 Wheel Balancer , Niagra No. 142C Met . Sheer , OTC 50T Hyd . Shop Press , Lin- coln Welders & Plasma Cutter , Champion & Rockford Drill Presses , Crescent & Nitronex Comm . Bandsaws , 8 ' Met . Brake , Snap - On Toolbox , Econoline Blasting Cabinet , Snap- On YA428A Sandblaster , Zendex Go Jacks , R & D Steam Clean , Powermate , & Job Pro Pressure Washers , Vermette Pipe Threading Machine , Stihl & Husqvarna Items , Snap - On Batt . Chargers , 4 Anvils , Welding Tables , Honda Generators , Truck Related Items , Shop Items & Tools , Consigned Items Including a 2022 Big Tex 8'x25 ' GN Trailer , JD 445 Lawn Tractor w / JD Loader , Snowblower & Accessories , IH Cub Cadet Garden Tractor w / John- son Workhorse Loader & Much More ! We will offer the following items at Public Auction located at 214 Front St. , Brookings , SD . From the Pheasant Restaurant & Lounge - 3/4 Mile N. on Main Ave S. , then 1/2 Block W. on Front St. From 6th St. , 3 Blocks South on 3rd Ave at the intersection of 3rd Ave & 3rd St. TUESDAY NOVEMBER 12 , 2024 Sale Time : 10 AM Sale to begin with tools , misc . shop items , Tires & Rims , Truck , Vehicle & Towing Related Items with Online Bidding on Major Items to Begin at Approx . 1:00 PM AUCTIONEER'S NOTE : We will offer the following Equipment & Personal Property at Public Auction on behalf of Dakota Service & Repair as Al & Carol Gregg have made the decision to retire after 40+ years from the towing & automotive repair business . This auction will be the 2nd Portion of Dakota Service & Repair's Inventory sold & will consist of a 2 Two Trucks , A Chevy City Express Service Van , a 1975 Chevy Truck , Commercial Shop Equipment , Welders & Met . Working Items , Tools & other personal property . Major items will begin selling Live - On- line at approximately 1:00 PM with Online Bidding Provided through Proxibid . DAKOTA SERVICE & REPAIR - AL & CAROL GREGG , OWNERS - PH . 605-692-7545 TODD PIERRET , Owner - Ph . 605-360-2590 AUCTION SOLD & CLERKED BY : SUTTON AUCTIONEERS & LAND BROKERS , LLC CHUCK SUTTON - Auctioneer & Land Broker - Sioux Falls , SD - ph . 605-336-6315 & Flandreau , SD - ph . 605-997-3777 JARED SUTTON , CAI - Auctioneer & Broker Associate - Flandreau , SD - ph . 605-864-8527 BOB JULSON - Auctioneer & RE Broker Associate - Garretson , SD - 605-351-2654 DEAN STOLTENBERG - Auctioneer & RE Broker Associate - Jasper , MN - ph . 507-348-7352