WANTED 30 GRANDPARENTS that want to hear their grandchildren. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED ANDWISH TO BE INCLUDED, CALL TODAY FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT PEOPLEWILL BE SELECTED BY SEPT.6TH HEALTH NOTIFICATION Are You Hard of Hearing? A major ae band hearing aid provider wishes field etaarkale ew digial hearing instrment in the awe This ofer is free of change and you ane under no obligation These svoltionary 100% Digial instrunents we the lae technology to comforably and slmost inisly ele you bear ore clearly. This echeology soles the "ppod up cars and head in a bael senation sone people experience If you wih to participale, you will be required to have your hearing tested in our office FREE OF CHARGE o determine candidacy and review your resalts with the hearing instnments with our hearing care specialist Ahe end of his evalution you may keep your instramen if you se desire. a a temendous svings for participating in this field ses Special teting will be done to determine the inceed beneties of dhis technolog Benefies of hearing ads vary Sy sype and degree of bearing lss, noise cvironment accuracy of hearing test, and peoper f This is a wenderful epportanity to determine if bearing help is anaable for your hearing ls and get help at a very afferdable price. WE WILL CUSTOM PROGRAM A PAIR WHILE YOU ARE HERE, SO You CAN HEAR THE DIFFERENCE! Don't miss this amazing offer! FREE 2 for 895 Complete Electronic Hearing Test The donc Receive 2 AudioToneM Pro Hearing Aids at $895 for a limited time only ouht youw bnmg FREE Video Otoscope Ear Inspection Tho ue it n FREE Complete Eectronic Hearing Test This Audiometric vaon will precisely show what you've been missing FREE Video Otocope Ear Inspection-This show all picture of your ear canal is displayed on a color TV monito, so youl see eactly what we see FREE Package of Hearing Ald Batterles If you now wear a hearing aid, you wil receive one free package of hearing aid batteries t we test your hearing you will receve another free package. FREE In Office Repairs All in offce hearing aid repairs shall be free and factory repairs regardess of make or model, shat be 50% off OPEN HOUSE EVENT! September 3rd - 6th CALL TOLL FREE FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT 1-888-387-3068 WORTHINGTON 921 4th Ave meoffer.me/worthington FAIRMONT 757 State St., Unit # 2 meoffer.me/faimont SPIRIT LAKE Center Lake Plaza, 2308 30th St.. Unit 2 meoffer.me/spiritlake avi Rodawg Mearing Instrument Specatir Miracle-Ear W y CODE: VAX927BAY9 a n WANTED 30 GRANDPARENTS that want to hear their grandchildren. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED ANDWISH TO BE INCLUDED, CALL TODAY FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT PEOPLEWILL BE SELECTED BY SEPT.6TH HEALTH NOTIFICATION Are You Hard of Hearing? A major ae band hearing aid provider wishes field etaarkale ew digial hearing instrment in the awe This ofer is free of change and you ane under no obligation These svoltionary 100% Digial instrunents we the lae technology to comforably and slmost inisly ele you bear ore clearly. This echeology soles the "ppod up cars and head in a bael senation sone people experience If you wih to participale, you will be required to have your hearing tested in our office FREE OF CHARGE o determine candidacy and review your resalts with the hearing instnments with our hearing care specialist Ahe end of his evalution you may keep your instramen if you se desire. a a temendous svings for participating in this field ses Special teting will be done to determine the inceed beneties of dhis technolog Benefies of hearing ads vary Sy sype and degree of bearing lss, noise cvironment accuracy of hearing test, and peoper f This is a wenderful epportanity to determine if bearing help is anaable for your hearing ls and get help at a very afferdable price. WE WILL CUSTOM PROGRAM A PAIR WHILE YOU ARE HERE, SO You CAN HEAR THE DIFFERENCE! Don't miss this amazing offer! FREE 2 for 895 Complete Electronic Hearing Test The donc Receive 2 AudioToneM Pro Hearing Aids at $895 for a limited time only ouht youw bnmg FREE Video Otoscope Ear Inspection Tho ue it n FREE Complete Eectronic Hearing Test This Audiometric vaon will precisely show what you've been missing FREE Video Otocope Ear Inspection-This show all picture of your ear canal is displayed on a color TV monito, so youl see eactly what we see FREE Package of Hearing Ald Batterles If you now wear a hearing aid, you wil receive one free package of hearing aid batteries t we test your hearing you will receve another free package. FREE In Office Repairs All in offce hearing aid repairs shall be free and factory repairs regardess of make or model, shat be 50% off OPEN HOUSE EVENT! September 3rd - 6th CALL TOLL FREE FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT 1-888-387-3068 WORTHINGTON 921 4th Ave meoffer.me/worthington FAIRMONT 757 State St., Unit # 2 meoffer.me/faimont SPIRIT LAKE Center Lake Plaza, 2308 30th St.. Unit 2 meoffer.me/spiritlake avi Rodawg Mearing Instrument Specatir Miracle-Ear W y CODE: VAX927BAY9 a n