Retirement Best Wishes! AQUST Congratulations Cindy Russell on your retirement! 06CEMBER We thank Cindy for her 17 years of service to our patients and staff at Ophthalmology Ltd.'s clinic in Worthington, MN! We wish her the best in her retirement! Cindy Russell-31 total years in the eye care industry! OPHTHALMOLOGY LTD. 722 10th St., Worthington, MN 56187 Toll Free 800-888-1433 * Retirement Best Wishes! AQUST Congratulations Cindy Russell on your retirement! 06CEMBER We thank Cindy for her 17 years of service to our patients and staff at Ophthalmology Ltd.'s clinic in Worthington, MN! We wish her the best in her retirement! Cindy Russell-31 total years in the eye care industry! OPHTHALMOLOGY LTD. 722 10th St., Worthington, MN 56187 Toll Free 800-888-1433 *