ROOTED IN QUALITY B SCOOTERS COFFEE EST. 1998 SCOOTER'S COFFEE DEVOTED TO CRAFT 151.1998 SCOOTER'S COFFEE HALF OFF ANY DRINK SCOOTERS COFFER Limit one per customer. Discount cannot be combined with any other offer. Offer excludes any pre-packaged SCOOTERS beverages sold in cons, bottles, or cartons Valid only at 1107 Oxford St, Worthington, MN location Expires 3/31/2023 Ad Lib Half Off SCOOTER'S COFFEE DRIVE-THRU 1107 Oxford St | Worthington, MN ROOTED IN QUALITY B SCOOTERS COFFEE EST . 1998 SCOOTER'S COFFEE DEVOTED TO CRAFT 151.1998 SCOOTER'S COFFEE HALF OFF ANY DRINK SCOOTERS COFFER Limit one per customer . Discount cannot be combined with any other offer . Offer excludes any pre - packaged SCOOTERS beverages sold in cons , bottles , or cartons Valid only at 1107 Oxford St , Worthington , MN location Expires 3/31/2023 Ad Lib Half Off SCOOTER'S COFFEE DRIVE - THRU 1107 Oxford St | Worthington , MN