the Daily Apple HEALTH CLOTHING GIF GIFTS Sasay Saturday WORTHINGTON, MN 1:30 P.M. THE DAILY APPLE Time to Relax: Make & Take Bath Salts |20% OFF $5.00 Clothing and Essential Oil Jewelry Rollers We are well-stocked with high-quality immune boosting vitamins: NAC, Quercetin, D-3, Zinc and many more! Open 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday, October 16 507.372.7127 207 10th Street Worthington, MN Follow dailyapplel on Instagram the Daily Apple HEALTH CLOTHING GIF GIFTS Sasay Saturday WORTHINGTON, MN 1:30 P.M. THE DAILY APPLE Time to Relax: Make & Take Bath Salts |20% OFF $5.00 Clothing and Essential Oil Jewelry Rollers We are well-stocked with high-quality immune boosting vitamins: NAC, Quercetin, D-3, Zinc and many more! Open 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday, October 16 507.372.7127 207 10th Street Worthington, MN Follow dailyapplel on Instagram