Whether it is your first home or your last home, let Worthington Federal help you with every home loan Worthington Federal Savings Bank, f.s.b. Kristine Correll MLO #794070 HOME OFFICE: 418 Eleventh St. BRANCH OFFICE: 313 Main Street Lakefield, MN 56150 507-662-6680 Worthington, MN 56187 507-372-2131 1-800-914-6023 Fax: 507-372-7286 Fax: 507-662-5402 worthingtonfederalsavings.com AD FDIC Established 1935 Member FDIC Whether it is your first home or your last home, let Worthington Federal help you with every home loan Worthington Federal Savings Bank, f.s.b. Kristine Correll MLO #794070 HOME OFFICE: 418 Eleventh St. BRANCH OFFICE: 313 Main Street Lakefield, MN 56150 507-662-6680 Worthington, MN 56187 507-372-2131 1-800-914-6023 Fax: 507-372-7286 Fax: 507-662-5402 worthingtonfederalsavings.com AD FDIC Established 1935 Member FDIC